What are my options?

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Hello, I live in St. Louis,MO and my wife and I are having marital problems. She said she wants a divorce and I need to know what are my options are. The first thing that came to my mind was to take all my money out of the account because I am the only one that works and she refused to go back to work. She has purposely overdrawn the account after I have told her not to. She said she is fed up with me, however, that does not mean make us broke when you get ready because you want some clothes. Can I take my money out of the account without consequences? Can she get spousal support based on what I stated? Let me go on further that she had an emotional affair with another man on the internet and admitted to it. I forgave her but she has accused me of have an sexual affair with another woman in which I have not. What are my options at this point?
Do you have any issue of this marriage?
How long have you been married?

Yes, either one of you is free to take ALL of the money out of any joint accounts.
If you think she'll get IT before you do, go get IT all!!!!

She wants a divorce, I don't think you have many options, other than agreeing to the divorce.
She sounds like a rotten person, a lazy person, and a terrible wife.
I'd cut my losses and let this cow go!!!
Hello, I live in St. Louis,MO and my wife and I are having marital problems. She said she wants a divorce and I need to know what are my options are. The first thing that came to my mind was to take all my money out of the account because I am the only one that works and she refused to go back to work. She has purposely overdrawn the account after I have told her not to. She said she is fed up with me, however, that does not mean make us broke when you get ready because you want some clothes. Can I take my money out of the account without consequences? Can she get spousal support based on what I stated? Let me go on further that she had an emotional affair with another man on the internet and admitted to it. I forgave her but she has accused me of have an sexual affair with another woman in which I have not. What are my options at this point?

How long have you been married?

Tread carefully here. Missouri is an equitable distribution state; if the court were to take pity on her (should you wipe the bank accounts), you may end up regretting it later.
I have been married 9 years. Are you an attorney? If so, what are my options? I am the one doing everything at the cost of my time,money and health. And she wants the divorce. It either preserve myself or get screwed by this woman. I did not sign up for this.
Are you an attorney? if so, we have been married for 9 years. I don't want the divorce. I want business as ususual. However, she does I think she is trying anything she can to get it. In the state of Missouri, what are the consequences for such an action as I would like to do only to protect myself. If you are from my state and know what can be done in Mo. By all means I would appreciate some advice. Thank you.
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