What are my rights???

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I currently work for a private ambulance service as and emt in indiana. I also volunteer at a ambulance service localy im my communtity to help out. The volunteer service has refused to contract my employeer for the advance life suppourt services. There are currently 4 of us that work for the private service that also volunteer for the same service. 2 of the 4 of us so far have been told that to resgin from the volunteer service or be terminated. They have also told those 2 that they would deny that those converstations even took place. We will be lossing guys off the volunteer service that put a lot of time in and help a lot of people. We have a lot of people that i work with the volunteer in differnt places in the county and they have not been threatend like this. What are our rights? Can they really tell us what to do in our free time?
They might be able to do so if your volunteer work is a conflict of interest or sets the employer up for liability.

For instance, I am a peace officer ... I cannot just go out and work for a private security company or even volunteer as a reserve (unpaid) officer for another jurisdiction without the approval of my current employer. If I hurt someone or get sued, my paid employer could also get sued because they have employed and trained me.

Your case might be similar. If you volunteer in another place, your paid employer might feel that they are exposing themself to liability shoudl you volunteer elsewhere for an outfit that also pays for people to do the same job.

I can see a host of reasons that would exist in my state ... they may not be valid in your state, though.

The bottom line is: How much are you willing to spend on attorneys to volunteer.

- Carl
The way indiana works is that i hold a certifcation that i earned and paid for on my own. My employeer is only liable while i am at work operatating as one of there employees! Plus they let other employees volunteer at differnt departments! I want to continue to volunteer because i dont want my community to suffer. My employer is mad because the volunteer service will not conduct business or hire my employers company to provide als service!
The problem you will have is that to enforce your rights, you may well have to sue your employer. Whether this is something you want to risk is up to you.

On the other hand, if you and anyone else doing this volunteering stands firm and says that you will continue to volunteer, they may rescind their threat ... or, they may not. Not knowing the labor laws in your state, it is hard to say how mushy the legal ground might be for your employer to terminate you. But, if they have half a brain, I am going to wager they will find some sort of grounds that will be other than your volunteering for the other company.

- Carl
the thing is its not another company its a non-forprofit. Indiana is a hire at will state. And yes if we would stand our ground they would fire us. I know its a pretty hairy situation. Thats why i was looking for advice. thank you
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