What can I do about a lying employer?

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I was let go from my corporate position after 6 1/2 weeks. I recieved no notice, no severance, and no warnings prior to this. The only indication I had was in a meeting with the owner, co-owner and sales manager was not to "align myself" with other coworkers. Apparantly I didn't follow this vague instruction well enough, as I was let go less than two weeks later.

I asked for a reason when I was fired, and the only one I recieved was "I didn't mesh". No statements, or incidents accompanied this. The next week I filed for unemployment as I searched for a new position. When I had my telephone interview, I was shocked and horrified at the things they said of me, and accused me of doing. Laziness, being confrontational, neglecting my work, and doing really absurd things! I loved this job, and felt I performed it VERY well. In fact, I recieved compliments from some of the people who supposedly had "complained" about me.

I feel so helpless at the outright lies, it amazes me what they said. It's not even about whether or not I get the unemployment, but I just didn't realize that an employer could do this sort of thing! It's frustrating too because it's all word against word, and I know when standing up to a company I really don't have a chance. Are there any options for me to get them to stop lying though? I don't want this to effect my getting another job!
After only 6 weeks, I would just move on. Probably best to avoid even putting this short term employment on your resume.

I know being fired sucks, just erase these guys from your memory and pound the pavement for another job.
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