what can i do if a boss makes me take meds

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I told my boss that I was going to start taking ritalin to help me focus more. I took it for two weeks and didnt like the side affects. Someone told my boss that I stopped taking it and he told me I can not come back to work unless i prove to him that I have filled the new prescription and am taking it again. I worked at the job for 9 months. Its been 4 days and I still have not been back to work. What should i do. I already told him the side affects are too much for me and he said he didnt care and told me to go home untill you come back and show me the bottle.
What should i do
You need to respect the concern of your boss. If you stopped taking the Ritalin upon the advice of your doctor, then have the doctor submit a note explaining this to your boss. Your boss should then be satisfied.

If, on the otherhand, you simply decided to stop taking the medication without the knowledge or advice of your doctor, then accept your probable termination. It is not in the best interest of your employer to keep an employee who does not make sound and rational decisions for themselves.
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