What can I do if my roommates poisoned me?


New Member
What can I do if my roommates poisoned me by improperly using pesticide and without telling me and while I'm sleeping?
The product was Nuvan Prostrips. It says clearly it is not to be used in areas that occupied more than 4 hours a day, rooms with vents, or anything not sealed. I woke up very sick with an intense headache. This is not something that I ever experience under normal conditions. I found an open package and big yellow rubber gloves outside of their rooms. I heard them talking about it the night when I was in the bathroom about to take a shower, but it made more sense the following morning. I heard our other roommate telling them that it came in the mail and didn't come with directions, so doing what "that guy" said should be fine. I took a picture of the package, and on the label it says at the top with large letters that it is only for sale to and use by professionals.
Thank you.
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What can you do? You can do a lot of things. Wouldn't make any sense to try to list them all.

A better question is what do you want to do? What's your goal here? You want money? You want to get them kicked out? You want to send them to jail? Ride them out of town on a rail? Tar and feather? Draw and quarter?

Then the next question is what are your damages? Any medical bills? Long term medical conditions? Or did you recover from your condition within a day or so without incurring any medical bills? If yes to that, then your issue isn't worth a nickel and they probably wouldn't have any money or insurance anyway.

Be realistic. Best you can accomplish is to tell them not to do it again without telling you in advance.
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What I want to do depends on my options. I imagine that 'what I want to do' is a better question once I know what I can do (useful options btw, versus the latter three of your suggestive questions).

The damages are a bit uncertain. I imagine it would be wiser to not waste anyone's time with exploring options in the way of determining what and to what extent the damages are until I know whether or not there is a point in doing so (e.g. "Best you can accomplish is to tell them not to do it again without telling you in advance.")

I'm a bit unclear as to why you would ask these questions prefacing a statement that (at least appears that it) renders them pointless. If there is anything useful I can do beyond telling them something that is practically impossible for them to not have thought of, please unambiguously let me know.

Thank you.
What can I do if my roommates poisoned me by improperly using pesticide and without telling me and while I'm sleeping?
The product was Nuvan Prostrips. It says clearly it is not to be used in areas that occupied more than 4 hours a day, rooms with vents, or anything not sealed. I woke up very sick with an intense headache. This is not something that I ever experience under normal conditions. I found an open package and big yellow rubber gloves outside of their rooms. I heard them talking about it the night when I was in the bathroom about to take a shower, but it made more sense the following morning. I heard our other roommate telling them that it came in the mail and didn't come with directions, so doing what "that guy" said should be fine. I took a picture of the package, and on the label it says at the top with large letters that it is only for sale to and use by professionals.
Thank you.

If any crime is committed, most people immediately report their observation to the police.

If you are living with roomies, I suspect it won't be worth your time and effort to sue them.
They're probably poorer than Job's chickens.
Translated, even if you could prove you were harmed, and you suffered $50,000 of medical ills and treatment, how could these people ever repay you?

That said, if you feel unsafe living there, you might wish to get out ASAP.

Just because you may have suffered injuries or medical issues, doesn't mean it was on purpose, because accidents do happen.

Beyond that, your bigger issue would be proving that someone (or a herd of someones) caused you great bodily harm. Just saying is far easier than proving it.
I cannot afford to move out right now.

I am not sure if I want to bring the police into it just yet, as I still do not even know if what was done was actually illegal, much less do I know in general what consequences my roommates could suffer if an officer walked in.

Proving what they did is pretty easy, given that everything is still where it was when I left (meaning authorities could walk in see the evidence for themselves).

I mean, I hope the law isn't so retroactive and promoting of "negligence" that someone could get a hold of a product they are explicitly prohibited from acquiring and using and then use it in ways that are explicitly prohibited, because of it's known history permanently injuring and killing people, and not be to liable for legal consequences, only unless the damage is already done, the damages are great, and the offender can afford it.

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