What constitute sexual harassment?

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I would like to know what constitute sexual harassment? The reason is recently we had to fire a employee for theft. She was caught embezzling money from the store where I am an accountant. After she got caught, she started saying that she was going to sue for sexual harassment. Everyone who works in the store is a female except for the owner. The owner goes to conventions every weekend and is never in the store on the days that this girl works. She wrote a blog on myspace stating that the owner got her drunk and took advantage of her, which was not true. The owner and her never did anything. She on the other hand never mention that there was a problem to the manager of the store that was female or to me the accountant. There was never any indication from her there was a problem until she got fired for embezzlement. Additionally she dresses very skimpy and in lingerie shirts all the time and she's on a website called suicide girl where girls take off their clothes for money. She never did anything in the store that she was told to do. She would drink liquor while on the job. We beleive she took more money than what we can prove. I don't beleive she has a case but would like to know what constitute sexual harassment so I can be sure. Thanks to everyone who replies.
The fact she did not bring up these accusations while she was employed will heavily affect her credibility.

Anything really can be considered sexual harrasment.

You can basically fire anyone for any reason.

It is pretty obvious she is bringing this up for retaliation from getting fired. I would not pay any attention to her threats right now.

If her blog is in fact false and she is spreading a rumor that is not true and she has this gentleman listed by name, then personally if I were him I would be seeing an attorney about maybe sending her a ceist and desist letter.

For now, ignore her.
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