What demographic is most hesitant to get the jab?

army judge

Super Moderator
That's probably due to the real explanation of educational levels.

BS - We know what that means.
MS - More of the same.
PhD - Piled higher and deeper.

It's no surprise that holders of PhDs don't have the sense that God gave the goose.
I will be the first to acknowledge the intelligence and common sense do not necessarily go together and that where I work with (and am related to) some incredibly brilliant people, some of them couldn't be trusted to come in out of rain. Anything outside their own sphere of brilliance often goes right over an academic's head.

Example: ACTUAL EMAIL EXCHANGE I had with one of our post-docs less than a month ago:
Post-Doc: The chart I was given has the insurance premium rates on a monthly basis, but when I go to elect my benefits that amount shows as the per pay period amount. Can you explain this discrepancy?
Me: You are paid monthly.

However, on my campus are not only getting their vaccinations, but are having to prove it, because unless they can show a validated medical reason why they cannot be vaccinated, they ain't getting on campus without it. Masks are required unless you are in a closed door office.

There are some of us at all levels of education who pay attention to science and not discredited Google doctors.
I've always maintained (literally, as long as I can remember) that education does not correlate to intelligence.

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