What do disbarred attorneys do?

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Typically, this would signal the end of a career in law, and may be the ultimate fear of most attorneys.
So, if an attorney gets disbarred for some reason, what do they typically do for a living? I guess it isn't something they'd want listed on their resume, but do they run for office, teach English in a foreign country, drive a taxi, start a small company, grade state bar exam questions, become a paralegal, confine themselves to legal document review, ... ???
Can they take the State Bar in another state and start over again?
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Most law school grads don't seek bar admission. Many that gain admission to a bar, eventually allow their admission to lapse.

So, what do most law school grads do with that JD? They use it as an MBA, seeking management, executive, or administrative opportunities. Some start their own businesses, some become FBI (and other federal agents), enter other law enforcement agencies, and a few even become physicians.

A law degree can be used for so many more things than just practicing law. Most attorneys become bored with the law, long before they ever get disbarred. There are fewer people disbarred, than sanctions among numerous professions.

No matter what one does, the pursuit of an education is a very valuable endeavor.

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Law Schools all over the country are getting sued by students who claim their school misrepresented post-graduation employment data/career prospects :
e.g. http://www.google.com/search?q=law+school+lawsuit

See student comments at http://www.lawschooltransparency.com/2011/10/15-more-aba-approved-law-schools-to-be-sued/

Most get thrown out, I think.

But this suit in a California court has been allowed to proceed:
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I guess it isn't something they'd want listed on their resume, but do they run for office, teach English in a foreign country, drive a taxi, start a small company, grade state bar exam questions, become a paralegal, confine themselves to legal document review, ... ???

Some actually do become paralegals though it is prohibited in a few states. In the other states, there is a limit on what they are allowed to do as a paralegal.
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