What do I do, HELP

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New Member
I put my house up for sale in grayson co texas. Been trying to sell it for 1 1/2 years. I finally found somebody to buy it for a steel. Aprased at 340,000 selling price 185.000. The condition was that these people couldn't get finance so I did a lease to buy aggreement giving them 2 months free and they will pay the back back taxes part of the condition of selling the property so cheep. after the 2nd month they called me and said that they got financed. Everything looked good the invester called me and said they were 100% financed. They sent me a new contract and said I needed to get sighned so we could quickly close. In the contract their was nothing about paying back taxes and I missed it and signed and got it sent. When I finally cought it it was to late. I hired a lawer and he told me that the new contract superseeds the lease to buy contract and leagly I had to sell the house to them. These people became very mean and told me to bad. So I had to sell it to them under these condition. I aggreed. Then I found out that they used $1,200 worth of Elect. in my name that I didnt know about until it was to late. Now the contract has gone past the closing date and I still havent got paid. The new contract states that they are not suposed to take possion of property until closeing date but they are living their and I dont know what to do to get them out. HELP
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