What do I do?

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New Member
I have read a few other threads and I feel like I am in the same situation as others, except I am the child of misuse child support. Over the past 8 years my dad has paid over $900,000 to my mother for child support, which averages about $100,000 (+) a year. However she has used that money to support her non working boyfriend. After my mom cheated on him with her new boyfriend, ending their marriage she would treat herself and her boyfriend on luxurious vacations leaving me at home. She also bought 2 more houses, and another horse. She has also tried getting more money from my dad and has already spoken to my brother about her plans to remodel his house with the new money. (my brother is an independent and no child support gets paid for him)I know that no one has any say in what she spends her money on but since my dad paid for my clothes, and once I turned 14 I paid for everything myself (with the exception of food). For the past two years I have also been taken in by my girlfriends family (I am 19 years old now). They pay for my food, school expenses and what they don't pay for, i pay out of my summers work money. She is still receiving child support even though I don't live with her.

Further more now that I am in college I have had to put forth 5,000 of my own savings in order to get a loan for school and my mom claims she has no money to help (i have also asked for about $100 a month to live since I spent everything else on school.) I know she works, and I also know that I have no eaten, or lived $900,000 worth the last 8 years of my life. I know no one has a say in what a mother spends her child support money on but I thought the money was to support my living, not hers? Is there anything I can do?
I also know that it is re-imbursement, but if my dad has already paid off my house and I have been paying for everything else and no longer live at home shouldn't I be the one to be re-imbursed? or at least the family that has been taking care of me? Can my dad do anything?
Dad has the right to try to modify the CURRENT order if he's still paying and you're not actually living at home. However, since CS in MA can go up to age 23 for a child in full time education, and going away to go to school does NOT automatically emancipate you...he may have a fight on his hands.

The money never was, and is not, yours.

Unless of course Mom or Dad wishes to gift it to you.
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