What Do I Do?

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I work for a non-profit organization, but the atmosphere is more like corporate mafia/enron.

The Assistant to the Executive Director has worked here for 18 years, and protected by upper Chairs in this organization. He is known for his love of alcohol, and is well liked by the majority of the staff (mainly because he picks 1 or 2 people to harrass until they quit or are fired). I've been working here for 2 years and since day one he has been giving me a difficult time. He watches me like a security guard and for every accomplishment or compliment I received, he points out petty unimportant things as reasons for me to not be complimented on and gives me a hard time over those stupid things. (For example, I brought many new and innovative changes to this organization, improved communication between officers, and all he cares about how we should better advertise local Section events (despite the fact that they are already advertised).
He harrasses this other employee by point blank yelling at her and making her cry. His friends laugh along with him, while I find it disturbing to see him get away with it. His higher up supporters feel that he should be treated with respect, and twist the situations around to justify his yelling, or whatever it is that he does. Or, I"m told that I see things wrong and need to improve my relations with staff.

I"m trying to make a long story short, so most of this might not make sense, but what do I do now? I can't look for another job (yet). I feel very uncomfortable in this environment, and have no one I can go to. The boss can't do anything because they always find a reason to make excuses for his action. I feel like we have a "mafia" behind the scenes of this non-profit (government) organization.
I am by no means unsympathetic, having been in a similar situation, but nothing you describe violates any laws or gives you any legal recourse. If upper management is content to allow him to behave like this, your options are to put up with it or find another job.
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