What do I explain to the judge?

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New Member
I got pulled over lastnight for speeding- I was going 40 on 25. Fortunately the cop spoke to me and said he will not give me the speeding ticket but instead substitute it for another ticket which will not add points to my license. On the ticket he wrote "failure to observe traffic device" and the statute # is 39:4-120.9
I live in NJ and after searching through the statutes, 39:4-120.9 is defined as a "public-private intersection violation"
What should I explain to the judge on my court date? And what does a "public-private intersection violation" entail?
You'd be best served to plead not guilty.
Make no statements and let the state prove it's case.
This could be very entertaining.


Whatever else you may have done, you're not guilty of violating that particular statute.
A chat with an attorney might also prove of value to you.
If I were the prosecutor on thus case, I'd kick the darn thing without hesitation.

This illustrates why smart and diligent officers don't do this crap. Everyone would have been better served had Officer Friendly let you go with a verbal warning.
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