Animal Injury, Dog Bite What do we do now?

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My wife is handicapped with many medical problems and on SSI. She needs a cane to walk because of 2 back and 2 knee operations. We live in public housing for senior and handicapped people. One of our neighbors has a pit bull mixed dog, which is very large, 60 or 70 pounds. We have a dog too ,a little chihuahua. Our neighbor was letting his pit bull run free and chase Frisbees and when we would walk our dog his dog would come over to us at a full run to mess with our little dog. He allowed this to happen 3 times before we contacted a housing official who talked to him about not allowing his dog to run free. That happened about a week ago. Yesterday my wife and I walked our dog and noticed the neighbor was out with his pit bull. We started walking back to our apartment and were almost run over by this pit bull. My wife injured her bad knee and I banged and scraped my elbow on the concrete sidewalk. This happened on May 1st.My wife's knee seems to be better but I am having problems with my elbow. I have bone spurs on both elbows and
the one I hit on the sidewalk is still very painful. My wife is 60 years old and I am 62. What could we or should we do about this?
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Speak with local law enforcement or animal control about any applicable leash law.
Report the incident and injuries to the property management.
Photograph any visible injuries.
Visit a doctor to establish a medical record.
Ask the neighbor to pay whatever you believe he is responsible for.
Speak with a personal injury attorney about any outstanding claim you wish to make.
you should contact a local attorney that can help you to fight back for your rights and for the full compensation regarding the pain and damage you have suffered and all the medicals bills that have gone out of your pocket by this happening.
Almost being the operative word. So you both tripped and fell over each other without any contact by the dog? I suggest you hire a dog walking service in addition to animal control.
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