What Do You Do When Your Ill

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New Member
i I have been batlling a degenetive disease for over 2 yrs. My current employer has been gracious in his own mind. I dn'texpecct to be paid for every moment I have to be out, on the same token, I fell I shouldn't have to discuss my condition at all with them. This is a private issue between me and my dr. am I correct in that assumption, or do I need to keep getting phone calls every 5 minutes when I go to an appt asking me what the prognosis,isposition, etc. is.. I must have some recourse FOR WORKING IN THIS EXTREMEMLY HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT. ANY SUGGESTIONS. I will be going on disability in a amtter of months, but fr now I need this job, and I'm probably in the top 10%in the cou ntry who do it.
This is not a hostile environment in the legal meaning of that phrase.

Surely you're exaggerating about receiving phone calls every five minutes when you have a doctor's appointment. Your employer has a vested interest in knowing what your medical status is, whether you may be going on leave, what the prognosis is, and so forth. If you think your boss or co-workers are being overly intrustive, then nicely tell the boss that's how you feel, that you WILL keep him updated on your medical status if things change, but you'd rather not discuss it unless there's a real need to.
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