What does the law say about language discrimination doing a contract proceeding for a auto Mobile

Anthony j pagan

New Member
New York
What does the law say about language discrimination during contract Proceeding for an automobile were there no Interpreter present
If an interpreter was need it was likely your own responsibility to obtain one.
If you had difficulty understanding the contract you certainly should not have signed anything.
I agree, more information is needed to understand your problem.
What does the law say about language discrimination during contract Proceeding for an automobile were there no Interpreter present

Your question makes little sense. What do you mean by "language discrimination"? I could guess, but I'd rather not.

What does "contract [p]roceeding for an automobile" mean? I can't even guess that that might mean.
What does the law say about language discrimination during contract Proceeding for an automobile were there no Interpreter present

Nothing mate, not a darn thing.

After all, this is a nation that declared English to be its native tongue.

Our constitution doesn't mention a dadburn thing about translation services, not one word.
How do you explain bilingual signs in government buildings and calling just about any customer service number and getting:

For English press 1.
Por Espanol markay de dos.

I can't explain any sign or communication in any language but English, just as I am unable to comprehend the three or four gender construct, or living with mom and dad until both have been called to the great beyond.

I suppose to those who engage in that sort of behavior, would also say that this nation should open its borders and allow anything to crawl, slither, jump, hop, swim, climb, run, walk, or slip inside our country.

I've always wondered what the same people would do if after an absence from their home they discovered 50 MS-13 "dreamers" enjoying themselves, or 30 unkempt, unwashed homeless wanderers had made themselves to home while they were away?

Bear in mind, I can read, write, and speak in three languages other than English.
I was taught when in Rome, blah blah blah.

My mother could do the same with seven languages, plus English.

Dad only spoke English, and few German phrases he learned during his all expenses paid, US Army sponsored tour of Africa, Italy, France, Belgium, and Germany during WWII.

As former SecDef Rumsfeld once so eloquently said, "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."
As former SecDef Rumsfeld once so eloquently said, "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."

I like that.

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