what happens if i dont pay??

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New Member
My babysitter has taken me to court for $385.00. I will find out in a couple days whether or not i will have to pay all of it. She lied when we were in court, and in all fairness i know i dont owe her this money. What is the worst that can happen if i don't pay it? Can they doc my paycheck??
i thought i would appeal it if i lost..but even then i don't have a good feeling. The judge was a bi*chy woman.
Any help would be great..
What is the worst that can happen if i don't pay it? Can they doc my paycheck??


Any help would be great..

Trial judges rightly have considerable discretion in the evidence they choose to accept and in making findings of credibility, and are granted considerable deference on appeal. Having a bitchy judge doesn't alter that.

If you lose, pay the judgment.
some states allow a wage garnishment you will have to see what your state allows. She can also attach a lien to any property and possibly levy a bank account.

why do you feel you do not owe the money? did you cancel a contract? Did she provide services? If you lose the judgement then you need to pay it by any means.
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