What if the cops are called to my location while I'm on vacation?


New Member
New York
I just moved recently to NYC and upon doing so received messages from a bunch of people on Instagram who weren't added on my friends list and I didn't even recognize, saying they know my address before sending it to me as proof, know what times I've left and come back over the course of the past 4 months. I don't know who these people are or why they care but I know I'm going on vacation to Dominican Republic in a few weeks, all the while they're telling me next time I leave they're going to make a 911 call to my address saying that I'm preventing them from leaving and trying to kill them. They say the reason for this is because if I don't open for them they will bust in and leave when they realize nobody's home, but I doubt they would send a handyman as well to fix the damage they'd cause, and in that case my apartment can be raided by simply pushing the door. I don't know how seriously I should take these messages but to me it seems like a bunch of nonsense so I just want to know what to do before I leave so nobody breaks into my apartment while I'm on vacation, because honestly this seems pretty silly, and something that pretty much anyone can do since nobody's prohibited from calling 911 obviously, so clearly I'm not the first person who's had to deal with this issue. If anyone could answer my question that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
What I would do is call the police, tell them you are going to be out of town between this date and that date; you have received some threats of potential property damage and ask if it's possible to have the regular patrol increased while you're away. I would also make your management company or landlord aware.
What I would do is call the police, tell them you are going to be out of town between this date and that date; you have received some threats of potential property damage and ask if it's possible to have the regular patrol increased while you're away. I would also make your management company or landlord aware.

This honestly seems like the best solution, that way they would be aware of the threats and provide regular protection or whatever it's called. I guess the better way to ask this question is what if this were happening to you, minus the threats on Instagram? Let's say you just had a feeling this was going to happen before a vacation you will take. Just because they don't message you on it doesn't mean that couldn'tve been the way they found you.
I guess the better way to ask this question is what if this were happening to you, minus the threats on Instagram?

To start with I have a sophisticated video-alarm system on all my homes, I have sufficient insurance to cover all my potential losses, I possess digital video recordings of all my belongings, all of my VALUABLES are safely ensconced in a major bank's safety deposit box, I don't blab when I'm going to be away, we also hire a private armed patrol to inspect our properties several times a day.

If it ever happens to me, I'll be just fine, thanks for asking.
To start with I have a sophisticated video-alarm system on all my homes, I have sufficient insurance to cover all my potential losses, I possess digital video recordings of all my belongings, all of my VALUABLES are safely ensconced in a major bank's safety deposit box, I don't blab when I'm going to be away, we also hire a private armed patrol to inspect our properties several times a day.

If it ever happens to me, I'll be just fine, thanks for asking.

But your door would still be broken.
But your door would still be broken.

You've never seen my doors, my windows, etc...

Even if my door was broken, my insurance would remedy that very, very swiftly.

Do you recall the story of the "Three Little Pigs"?

Two little pigs weren't prepared for the storms life can bring your way.

One little pig was not only prepared, he saved his two siblings, and dispatched the windy wolf.

I was taught by my father to prepare for the myriad of things life can do to you.

I learned over the years to fortify myself, and things I own for such contingencies.

Stuff is just stuff, and there are insurance carriers available to assist you with restoring destroyed, damaged, or purloined stuff.

It would take explosives for anyone to enter into any of my homes, mate, if I weren't at home.

If someone did try to enter upon my premises, they'd have about a 5% chance of success.

On my ranch, that drops to 0%.

The only thing I can't prevent is my death.

No one can prevent that, mate, no one.

From the moment you drew that first breath, you had to acknowledge you'd one day take your last.
You've never seen my doors, my windows, etc...

Even if my door was broken, my insurance would remedy that very, very swiftly.

Do you recall the story of the "Three Little Pigs"?

Two little pigs weren't prepared for the storms life can bring your way.

One little pig was not only prepared, he saved his two siblings, and dispatched the windy wolf.

I was taught by my father to prepare for the myriad of things life can do to you.

I learned over the years to fortify myself, and things I own for such contingencies.

Stuff is just stuff, and there are insurance carriers available to assist you with restoring destroyed, damaged, or purloined stuff.

It would take explosives for anyone to enter into any of my homes, mate, if I weren't at home.

If someone did try to enter upon my premises, they'd have about a 5% chance of success.

On my ranch, that drops to 0%.

The only thing I can't prevent is my death.

No one can prevent that, mate, no one.

From the moment you drew that first breath, you had to acknowledge you'd one day take your last.
When the Zombie Apocalypse happens can lil'blue and I come to your ranch? :eek:
Sure, if you get here before the zombies make travel impossible. :D
I should be able to...One just has to follow the Zombie Rules.

1. Be in good shape
2. Double tap
3. Buckle up
4. Check under the stall before using a public rest room

For those not in the know... The Rules are from Zombieland. (spoiler alert...Bill Murray dies. Poor Bill...)
You've never seen my doors, my windows, etc...

Even if my door was broken, my insurance would remedy that very, very swiftly.

Do you recall the story of the "Three Little Pigs"?

Two little pigs weren't prepared for the storms life can bring your way.

One little pig was not only prepared, he saved his two siblings, and dispatched the windy wolf.

I was taught by my father to prepare for the myriad of things life can do to you.

I learned over the years to fortify myself, and things I own for such contingencies.

Stuff is just stuff, and there are insurance carriers available to assist you with restoring destroyed, damaged, or purloined stuff.

It would take explosives for anyone to enter into any of my homes, mate, if I weren't at home.

If someone did try to enter upon my premises, they'd have about a 5% chance of success.

On my ranch, that drops to 0%.

The only thing I can't prevent is my death.

No one can prevent that, mate, no one.

From the moment you drew that first breath, you had to acknowledge you'd one day take your last.
That makes a lot mores sense now. Thanks for clearing that up!

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