Other Criminal Charges & Offenses What is considered camping


New Member
I am part of the homeless community and often go several nights without sleep because im scared to get arrested for camping, I reside near the vv community center and often hang around there all night and sleep in the library, anyway my question is what is considered camping, there are stone benches and I have a backpack with non-camping equipment in it, IE charger cables, a jacket, phones exe, so if i were to post up on one of those benches at say...1am and go to sleep would I be camping?
This is likely regarding a local ordinance and "camping" would be defined in that ordinance. I doubt anyone will be able to give you a definitive answer as ordinances vary by jurisdiction.
I suggest you clarify this concern with your local law enforcement.
what is considered camping

"Camping" is not a word that has any particular legal meaning under any statute in the State of California. Ascertaining whether the term has any meaning under the municipal code of any particular locality obviously requires that you tell us the city where you're doing this.

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