What is considered your back yard?

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We have applied for a permit and was denied due to Ordinance 15-15.5 :

A private garage or accessory building other than a stable which is not an integral structural part of the main building may be located in the required rear yard but not less than fire (5) feet from any proper line provided that is shall not exceed twenty feet in height. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a rear yard which abuts a street, and nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the erection of a common or joint garage which is not an integral structural part of a main building on adjoining lots. A private garage or accessory building is specifically prohibited in a required front yard.

Our home is on a corner property - the left side of the home buts to a major road. Our privacy fence starts in the front of our home and goes near our property line and then behind the home. We would like to put the she to the left side of our home that is near the main road.

The zoning officer came out and said the shed can only be put in the back yard and the back yard is "only" the land directly behind my home. Not behind my home to the left or right?

Even though a few years ago we were awarded a permit from a different zoning officer to erect a spa house to the right side of our property behind our fence - he stated that it is our back/side yard and since it is fenced we can place it there.

Please help!!
If placed where you want it, will the shed be visible from the front of the residence? I think that might be the issue with the structure off to the left side.
It sounds as if there is no fence along the property line at the road? Extending the privacy fence to enclose the whole back yard may resolve the problem.
The zoning officer should have been able to advise you how to resolve this.
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