What is defamation? Slander???

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I have an employee at work who is telling others that I am "writing him" up and harrassing him all the time. I have not said BOO to this guy. Now, other employees are approaching me telling me he will not stop. None of this is true, and this employee has done this in the past. I have requested through my boss that this be looked into and must cease. However, other employees have told me that he is hurting my reputation (which as a supervisor has been outstanding) What's up with this yo-yo, and how far can this go?
If you have an employee who is causing problems by spreading misinformation about you in the workplace, it's up to you to deal with that and as a supervisor you should have the authority to do so. I suggest you and your boss call him in for a "discussion" and make it clear if he does not stop this nonsense NOW that disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination.

What you describe does not constitute slander or defamation.
Another slander question

I am new, don't know if this is the proper way to get a question in. I have brought a claim in Small Claims Court for payment stopped on merchandise purchased [a painting]and delivered. It is a bit complicated. But, the defendant wrote me a letter Threatening to sue me for their medical expenses for extensive treatment for stress due to my suit, to go to the local newspapers and have them cover the hearing [including suggested media headlines deprecating me], to go to local art organizations and museums and ruin my name with them, etc., if I do not withdraw the suit. Does this rise to the level of slander or defamation, or must I wait until they do the actual damage? Or is this extortion? What legal recourse do I have here?Thank you.
Leah, this particular board deals with employment law issues. You might want to repost your question on another board here, probably one that handles personal injury law.
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