What is going on down the street?

Are you not the same cbg that posted over 25,000 posts on Expert Law. That is the site I'm asking about.

It wasn't clear in your first post what site it was. As to Expert Law, all I know is that something on the site caused it to get flagged as potentially harmful by Google which triggers warning pages on browsers. It took the site approximately a month to get that cleared, and of course during that time no one posted over there. Even now with the block removed it still has no activity. It's going to take awhile for it to recover, if it ever does. The lack of active moderation and administration of the site I think will eventually cause it to go dark.
It wasn't clear in your first post what site it was. As to Expert Law, all I know is that something on the site caused it to get flagged as potentially harmful by Google which triggers warning pages on browsers. It took the site approximately a month to get that cleared, and of course during that time no one posted over there. Even now with the block removed it still has no activity. It's going to take awhile for it to recover, if it ever does. The lack of active moderation and administration of the site I think will eventually cause it to go dark.

Exactly! I haven't visited that site in weeks due to this warning, which is now removed.
It should be better now. The problem was a link to a malware site was detected. These often come either from errant ad insertions or someone posting spam with the link. If they had a system administrator they would have deleted the link and logged into the google stats site and forced a refresh. Unfortuntaly, expertlaw is lacking technical people right now, so it waited until Google timed it out. Right after it happened, I searched the site and came up with nothing, so it was probably transient. I messaged A-A-Ron through the site and via his law practice email offering to help fix it, but heard nothing.

It's just a matter of time until it happens again or worse. It wasn't that long ago that the vB legal sites were pretty hard hit by an attack. ExpertLaw is still running an older version of vBulletin and risks getting hit again.

Even this site is running a back version of XF (XF1.sometrhing). They've got some potential security holes open.
Are you not the same cbg that posted over 25,000 posts on Expert Law. That is the site I'm asking about.

Sorry, I didn't realize that was the site you meant. Yes, I've been a member there for 16 years.

I think Tax and Ron have explained the issue. I know that the owner has some personal situations that are taking a lot of his time. I don't know how long it will be before he is able to take an active part again.
Sorry for the confusion on which site I was posting about but my bookmarks show it as Legal Help with the Expert law emblem.

But I think there is something else wrong with the site. I have tried to post a new thread. I was able to get through the title and post but when I clicked post, it would not post.

Right now there are 3 members and 189 guests. You would think someone would want to ask a question.
I had the same thing happen this morning, Welkin; in fact, I was about to ask if anyone else was having trouble posting there.

I'll email the owner. Maybe it will do some good. Maybe not.
Yup, that's the message I got. Not just in the senior member area but in a couple of randomly chosen public areas too.
We have suddenly gotten an influx of posts today. I wonder if people sought out another legal site after trying to post on EL and found us.
I heard from the owner down the street. Due to complications related to the false positive he was unable to go in and debug until just recently and had not realized that all posting was blocked. He's going to take a look.

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