Animal Injury, Dog Bite what is South African law on dog attacks

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my fiance and I are renting a huge home so his folks can stay with us, as his dad is unemployed, my fiance works away in west africa so he is not here to assist. My inlaws have a 6yr old sharpei unneutred dog, which has attacked my toddler at least 5 times so far, luckly with no broken skin. On tuesday the dog bit me in the face. Requiring stitches. What are my rights? I want this dog off our property, and the spca wont do anything. Please advise soonest as the situation is dire.
Madam, it IS your property, is it not?

You can simy ask your guests to remove the dog.

Advise them that if they choose to ignore you, they too, must leave your home.

If they ignore you, bring an action to evict them.

Or, when they leave your home one day, change the locks and don't admit them back into your home.

Pack their property and ask them where they wish it to be delivered.
You never heard this from me, madam.

But, dogs aren't as smart as humans.

Dogs can, and do get lost.

Dogs have disappeared.

This could be a matter of life or death.

The life of a dog or the life of your precious baby.

Dogs do disappear.

And, much like dead men, dead dogs tell no tales!

Heck, live dogs don't either!!!!
As stated its my inlaws dog, they stay with me as they aee not employed, and just recently had another baby, so my fiance and I care for them. If the dog goes ''missing'' it would obviously be myself who did it. The dog has gotten out before, but just returns.
If I ''get rid'' of the dog myself, firstly my concience would eat me as I am an animal lover....secondly the inlaes will have it investigated and ''getting rid'' of a dog in sa equals animal cruelty which inturn could mean a jail term or hefty fine. On the other hand, if anything does happen to my daughter, that too will eat away at me....the inlaws wont get rid of the dog, spca says its a personal matter, and the police said they can only come have a talk with the inlaws, which will make my life even more hell after they have left. What are my rights? Can I lay a charge? Can I have the dog put down or sue my inlaws?
This is very simple.
It is your home.
Your child is their grandchild.
It is obvious that the law won't help until your baby lies dead or is severely injured.
This doesn't require much thought.
If you love your child, you tell her grandparents to get rid of the dog.
If they refuse, ask then to leave.
Are you people thinking correctly?
Isn't a child's life worth more than a bad dog's?
the inlaws have nowhere to go. Their son, my fiance has rented this house so we can all stay together, he feels obliged as it is his parents.

I know my childs life is in danger as is mine, but I dont know what to do hence me posting here. Im not taking this lightly, I have asked them to get rid of the dog, but they say its like a child to them. Which inturn means the dog is more important than my child or I.
You could always move out.
When you do that, the baby's father will take it seriously.
Would you rather lose a child or some guy that cares more about his deadbeat parents than you or his baby?
I have nowhere to go :( my parents are deceased, hardly any family, and I am a housewife which means I am dependant on my fiance.
I would move out in a heartbeat if I could.
Yet, you do have family.
You could always stay locked up in your room.
Whatever you do, don't leave your baby Aline withe that damn mutt or those ignorant grandparents!
I have been doing that.....alot lately. I just feel its really unfair on my child. She needs to play outside too.

The ONE you need to discuss this with is your boyfriend.

However, he appears NOT to give a damn about you or your baby!!!!

I've given you all the advice I can.

The rest is up to you.

You KNOW what you must do.

So, do it.

Otherwise, get used to living locked in your room in fear!!!
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