Criminal Attorneys, Public Defenders What no evidence!

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I have a friend who has been accused of a crime of stealing copper wire cutting locks and doing all this why the police sat back and supposedly watched a crime partake. Long story short my friend was in the wrong place at the wrong time while he was asleep inside of a moving truck the two guys that actually committed the crime were there being cohersed by the police in order to be let go on a nonarrest bond or warrant bottom line is they were to lie on my friend and falsely accuse him of being the mastermind behind the entire theft. When the police pulled him out of the moving truck he was asleep he had taken not one but three Tylenol 3s for his cracked tooth, he went along with the other two guys who have a rap sheet as thick as encyclopedias because they offered him 75 bucks to help move furniture. Well after they drove around for hours they the other two guys waited for him to fall asleep so that they could commit a crime and then blame him for it. Well its been since 2012 and he's been out on bond he has a court appointed lawyer this is the second one. Both lawyers are one in the same maliciously misrepresenting the defendant there are no witnesses nor is there surveillance cameras at the business where the theft took place, atleast that's what the lawyer keeps saying. The cops never read him his rights he read his own rights on that night. From what ive seen the judge is racist he comes from a long family history of racism. My friend is a navy seal he served for 5 yrs and yes he was honorably discharged. What's wrong with this picture, when the judge keep s allowing court resets and dates to be set over and over my friend is innocent he's not signing for a crime he never woke up to commit not broken but needs to be fixed.
Your friend needs an attorney. His story (as you relate here) is weak and likely will have a number of holes in it - especially when his companions weave a different tale at trial.

Your friend should speak to his attorney on the matter and ONLY to his attorney. Friends and family (except his spouse) can be compelled to testify against him, so he needs to shut his yap and speak to an attorney tomorrow (Monday). If he doesn't like the current lawyer, he can hire his own if he can afford one.
Your friend definitely needs a lawyer. It seems he had 2 court appointed lawyers he has not been happy with for various reasons. He still needs to talk to his current lawyer or try to get one on his own - can someone help him pay for one if he can't?
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