Roomate What options do I have to take over lease?

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I am living with exboyfriend and we stay in a,low income tax credit apartment community. Other day my bro came to visit and entered through a lock gate without key. He placed hand over gate. Call boxes are broken. He was seen at 9pm by a worker. Office closed etc. She followed him to my door. After he answered all the questions worker asked. Bottom line sinse this happened we have been watched and questioned. I have lived here 4 years and another time years before. I believed I was on lease. Now they need me on lease. But with both incomes i believe we will be over max allowed. So how can I be put on lease and my ex boyfriend move out? Will I be able to take over lease? What will happen if we wait and add me on and than the verification comes back that we are over max allowed limit? What options do we have? I will pass background check. I am a Deputy Probation Officer. It is simply the income. Thank You for your time.
I am living with exboyfriend and we stay in a,low income tax credit apartment community. Other day my bro came to visit and entered through a lock gate without key. He placed hand over gate. Call boxes are broken. He was seen at 9pm by a worker. Office closed etc. She followed him to my door. After he answered all the questions worker asked. Bottom line sinse this happened we have been watched and questioned. I have lived here 4 years and another time years before. I believed I was on lease. Now they need me on lease. But with both incomes i believe we will be over max allowed. So how can I be put on lease and my ex boyfriend move out? Will I be able to take over lease? What will happen if we wait and add me on and than the verification comes back that we are over max allowed limit? What options do we have? I will pass background check. I am a Deputy Probation Officer. It is simply the income. Thank You for your time.

You're a probation officer residing in low income housing.
Oh my.
I wonder if your agency knows that you're potentially perpetrating some sort of illicit activity?
There is no way a stranger or a person not representing the landlord or the complex can answer your questions.
You should pose your questions directly to the people who can answer them properly, the complex.
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Sites like this do not exist to teach you how to commit fraud and take price controlled housing from those who deserve it.
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