What questions can I ask a custody mediator during cross examination?


New Member

The opposition in my case has subpoenaed our child custody mediator. The mediation did not go very well for me, I felt the mediator was not being impartial, dismissed my concerns, and was attacking me on various topics.

With the mediator now taking the stand, I'm trying to figure out what questions I can ask the mediator during cross examination? Any and all help is appreciated.

Thank you for your time,

With the mediator now taking the stand, I'm trying to figure out what questions I can ask the mediator during cross examination?

Your question has appeared on 4 websites. You will get conflicting responses that won't help you a bit.

That you already came in second at the mediation and that you desperately need to shotgun your question across multiple websites should make it clear to you that you need a lawyer.

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