what rights do i have when wongly fired

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Recently I was terminated from my position. I was brought into human resources and told I was being terminated for not following the Sarbain Oxley procedure. I was to audit the receiving log to ensure that it was being updated and followed. This was done every Friday. During the holidays we were closed on the Friday of Christmas and the Friday of New Years. The audit was not performed due to this. It was done after the holidays. I was not trained on this procedure mearly told to perform the audit. I was not told I would be fired if it was not done. There is documented proof that the receiving part of the log was not performed correctly twice during the audits and there were no firings over this issue. We also have proof that our other facility has been not following this procedure and there have been no actions taken to these employees.
Also what id human resources supposed to supply as far as paperwork goes when they let a person go. I received no formal documents to this matter. I was only told to hand in my badge and keys and was walke dto my desk.
Please reply as I have never even had a bad review during my employment with this company(which I have documented proof of).
If your question is whether you were wrongfully (illegally) fired, the answer is no. Your employer did not violate any laws in terminating your employment, even if their actions were unfair or inconsistent.

Also what id human resources supposed to supply as far as paperwork goes when they let a person go. I received no formal documents to this matter. I was only told to hand in my badge and keys and was walke dto my desk. None. Your employer is not obligated to hand you some sort of termination document when you are fired. They have 44 days to mail you COBRA continuation notification for your health insurance (assuming you had benefits and COBRA reg's apply) but that is all.
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