Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft What should i do now?

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Last Wednesday I was caught shop lifting at well known thrift store in State of Washington. First offense. The item I shoplifted was worth $5.49, it is an old and worn out item. It was stupid, I know... I was looking and trying a clothes on and forget i put the item in my jacket pocket. totally absent minded.

No police called and involved. The LP just wrote down my DL info, DOB, phone number, address and SNN, also took a picture of me, and then let me go. He didn't need me to sign anything, and also he said I can come back to the store anytime. He also said that the company lawyer will mail me the civil demand letter in 2-4 weeks that I need to pay around $200-300 + $5.45 fine, which i am going to pay of course. I also will receive a letter from the court in 4-8 weeks.

My questions are...
Is there a chance that i am going to jail and have a criminal record?
what should i do now? wait for those letters coming and start finding a attorney.
should i start finding attorney now and wait until i receive letter from court?

i am a good citizen and never have any crime record, except a traffic ticket 2 years ago.

thanks in advance.
My questions are...
Is there a chance that i am going to jail and have a criminal record?
Over a $5.00 theft!? Not likely
what should i do now? wait for those letters coming and start finding a attorney.
Why wait for the letters? Start calling Lawyers now and set up consultations
should i start finding attorney now and wait until i receive letter from court?
See last answer
I don't understand why you will receive a letter from the court 4-8 weeks since the security at store did not involved the police when you get caught at the time.
updated: Well! i received the civil demand letter from their lawyer yesterday. The fine is $305.49. :blush It took 2 weeks to receive it. Just mail them the check. So now, i am waiting for the court letter, which is the most i am worry about... :dunno:
mmm i got my court letter a long time after the civil demand. >.< but yah my court date is this thursday, i am so nervous. i wish you luck wen yours come around.
sadanna said:
wow would his fine be 200-300 just for steal something a lil over five bucks?? that's pretty harsh!!

Now picture 1000 people a year stealing a $5 item. Now factor in you have to install cameras, hire security etc.

200-300 is nothing.
Finally... after 2 months plus of waiting. I just received my court letter on Tuesday.

Even though I have already retain a lawyer for my case, and she said it won't be a jail time, so don't worry about it, I still can't sleep and eat everything when I think about the whole incident.

Maybe GOD is listening to his prayer, he want me to learn from this "shoplifting" lesson.

My first court hearing day is next Tuesday, 3/02.

Besides this letter, it also comes with another letter which just relieve my burden since I have been carrying it for last 11 weeks, it said I am qualify for Pretrial Diversion Program since I have a clean record and the amount is only $5.49. As long as I successfully complete the following three things, my case will be dismissed and no criminal conviction will result from this incident :eek:
• Complete 8 hours of community services
• Commit no new criminal law violations during 90 days
• Complete a needs assessment with the probation department

The letter also said I even don't need to retain a lawyer since there will be an attorney from Associated Counsel for the Accused, a public defendant agency to represent me at no cost. They will assist me if I have any question. OMG, it saves me $1,500 there already for the attorney fee ;).

So a few questions...
1. Should I keep retain my lawyer to plead not guilty and request a future court day which you suggest all the time?
2. Do I still need to face to the judge on my first hearing or just deal with DA?
3. What does it mean "Complete a needs assessment with the probation department"? Is it some kind of class or something?

Thanks a advance.
1. Should I keep retain my lawyer to plead not guilty and request a future court day which you suggest all the time?
I feel so yes
2. Do I still need to face to the judge on my first hearing or just deal with DA?
Let your Attorney deal with Da not you
3. What does it mean "Complete a needs assessment with the probation department"? Is it some kind of class or something?
Its assemsement but do nothing without your Lawyers ok
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