What to do about a corrupt lawyer?


New Member
New Mexico
A lawyer has charged 12 hours of time for something that likely took about 40 minutes.

The same lawyer, on a different occasion, in a family case made up horrific accusations: he claimed that the father was a murderer, had been prison, assaulted the mother, had sexual relations with minor, all out of the blue without even an inkling of truth and simply to gain leverage in Family Court.

I understand that one can file a bar complaint but I also understand that the bar is an extremely low standard meaning that they support lawyers doing things like this. But more importantly, is not the act of making up information randomly and making horrible, defamatory accusations and illegal act? What kind of legal procedures are there which have consequences for that lawyer?

Thank you
Out of curiosity, why is your other thread marked as relating to Washington, while this one is marked as relating to New Mexico?

I also understand that the bar is an extremely low standard meaning that they support lawyers doing things like this.

LOL...what?! Where did you come by this rather absurd understanding?

is not the act of making up information randomly and making horrible, defamatory accusations and illegal act?

Defamation is not a crime (in most states, and in those states where it's still on the books as a crime, it is rarely, if ever, prosecuted). Defamation made in the context of a legal proceeding may be privileged against a civil lawsuit.

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