Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct What to do about neighbors harassing us?

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Our neighbors have been calling the cops on us for all manner of things and making them come out and talk to us. They have never once spoken to us about issues they have but we often see them talking to other neighbors. Here are some examples of things we have done that the cops have been called (we did some intentionally to make them angry):
1. We believe it started because we receive a newspaper we do not pay for and my husband throws them into the street.
2. They will call the city about our lawn as soon as it gets long enough, we have someone who mows our lawn every two weeks.
3. Our driveway is in the back of our house while theirs is in the front so we often park in the front of our house which they face. If we park facing the correct way on our street then the major road is behind us and we just make a U-turn to get to it instead of going around a couple blocks. They decided that because they have an autistic child (which we have seen twice in 6 years and once was when the police were here) that we shouldn't do that and found some law about it and started calling the cops about that. They would come out and take photographs of us and that scared my kids! The cops told them that they can ask us to stop but can't give us a ticket unless they actually see it.
3. We decided instead of u-turns we would pull into a driveway and turn around so they served us with a letter stating we can not come on their property.
4. Once our babysitter parked her car on their side of the driveway and she accidentally stepped on their lawn to let our child out of the car. She didn't run around on their grass our walk over it just barely stepped on it and the cops were called. They did not say anything to her about it when she parked there and did not ask her to move her car.
5. Last year we had part of our fence falling down and it took us awhile to fix because it is expensive...the fence can not be seen from their yard but apparently they come on our property and look for stuff because they called about that too.
6. For awhile we thought we stopped getting the newspaper and then they showed up in our trash bins...apparently they have been picking them up and putting them back there. along with the rest of the wayward detritus scattered about the neighborhood.
7. I tried parking on their side of the road one day so I would not have to U-turn or pull into anyone else's driveway and they started parking one of their cars there so that I can not park there. So I would park in different places on that side of the street so that I am still doing what is legal and not making them angry. Well tonight at 11pm we get a knock on our door and it is the cops saying someone called and complained that I parked in front of their house and they didn't like it (this is a different neighbors house that we have had no issues with but I saw them talking earlier and I am convinced she did not actually make the call. The cops just asked me if I wanted to move it but I said no! We have children and don't appreciate them knocking late at night, especially for something that is not illegal.

We have found out that both the husband and wife across the street are or have been some type of lawyer in the past so they know people at the police station and in the legal system. Not one time have they approached us and asked us not to do something it has always been through the cops. Does this qualify as harassment? As far as we know they do not do this to any other neighbors. It has gotten so far that the city put up no U-turn signs on our street! Every time the cops come out they tell us that it's a waste of their time but that they have to come talk to us.
Agree - move since you all can't seem to get along. It seems like you/your husband are doing things where you are in the wrong. You even admit to doing things intentionally to make them angry. That doesn't help the situation.
Don't move. Keep doing what you are doing and let your neighbors be miserable.
Aside from throwing trash in the street you aren't doing anything wrong.
Regardless of the sign, you can check your local ordinances for speed limits and traffic controls. If there is nothing in the ordinances prohibiting uturns then the signs are likely not enforceable. In fact, see if there is something there about how long a car can be parked on the street and report the car in front of your neighbors house if it never moves :-)
Tell the police when they come again to leave you alone unless there is a criminal complaint. They do not have to come talk to you. They can simply tell the neighbor to handle their own problems in civil court if needed.
If they insist on coming then insist on ignoring them. You do not have to open the door and you do not have to speak with them. Or if you rather, open the door long enough to tell the police to go away.
Park wherever you want on the public street. Step on whatever grass you like. In fact you should get a dog and let it pee on the neighbors lawn.
This is petty garbage that isn't worth stressing over. Ignore your neighbors as much as possible, and when you do see them just give them a one finger salute and smile.
Make this fun for you rather than a nuisance.
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