What to do


New Member
Hey so I am on adult probation and parole in utah I was in a drug treatment program and left I told my p.o I was in hospital and I Eben told judge that sent him false documents stating I was in hospital it worked for a while and now I have warrants I moved out of state can or will the state I'm currently in come actively search for me
will the state I'm currently in come actively search for me

Your warrants are on every criminal data base in the country.

All it takes is a traffic stop and you'll be arrested and held pending Utah's decision whether to extradite you or not.

And there better not be a trace of drugs or a piece of paraphernalia in your car or you go down for criminal charges wherever you happen to be.
Hey so I am on adult probation and parole in utah I was in a drug treatment program and left I told my p.o I was in hospital and I Eben told judge that sent him false documents stating I was in hospital it worked for a while and now I have warrants I moved out of state can or will the state I'm currently in come actively search for me

Whether they "actively" search for you depends on how motivated they are, based on your transgressions against the law.

But please post more about your past and present crimes, preferably under a username that can be easily linked to you. It's very helpful to have your confessions of crime documented.
Hey so I am on adult probation and parole in utah I was in a drug treatment program and left I told my p.o I was in hospital and I Eben told judge that sent him false documents stating I was in hospital it worked for a while and now I have warrants I moved out of state can or will the state I'm currently in come actively search for me

Wait what? So you absconded? And are hiding out? I mean...if you get pulled over and they run you it's going to come up you have a warrant. If they want to extradite you that's on the police there. Why would you even post this on a public forum? I hope you didn't use your actual name.
Wait what? So you absconded? And are hiding out? I mean...if you get pulled over and they run you it's going to come up you have a warrant. If they want to extradite you that's on the police there. Why would you even post this on a public forum? I hope you didn't use your actual name.

The leopard has not changed his spots, so it's only a matter of time before there's a situation where OP with encounter the police.

OP needs to admit that they have a drug problem and get treatment. Sadly, the are not ready to face that fact yet.
Your warrants are on every criminal data base in the country.

All it takes is a traffic stop and you'll be arrested and held pending Utah's decision whether to extradite you or not.
More often if it is worth their effort to travel to whatever state you are being held in and retrieve you. They have the right to demand you be handed over to them. The only real fight to extradition is that you're not the person in the warrant (or perhaps that the warrant itself is invalid). There's no "sanctuary" in other states for fugitives. The who has you must give you over to the other state. Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2 of the US Constitution.

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