What will happen to me? I screwed up...

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I was in a car accident back in November. No damage was done to the truck I rear ended, but my front bumper had a hole/dent in it and I needed to fix it. Because I had been in a couple accidents in the past (more than 3 or 4 years ago) and have a recent speeding ticket, I did not want my premiums to go up. Someone I work with told me that if you say a friend was driving it wont make your premiums go up as high... so I said that. Now this friend is having problems with their insurance company and I need to go back and fix this. The total cost for fixing my car was $1500, $500 of it was my deductible.
Sooo... I guess what I am asking, is what will happen to me? Everything I reported about the accident actually happened, except for who the driver was. I feel just awful about this, I'm really scared and I need some advice...
I was in a car accident back in November. No damage was done to the truck I rear ended, but my front bumper had a hole/dent in it and I needed to fix it. Because I had been in a couple accidents in the past (more than 3 or 4 years ago) and have a recent speeding ticket, I did not want my premiums to go up. Someone I work with told me that if you say a friend was driving it wont make your premiums go up as high... so I said that. Now this friend is having problems with their insurance company and I need to go back and fix this. The total cost for fixing my car was $1500, $500 of it was my deductible.
Sooo... I guess what I am asking, is what will happen to me? Everything I reported about the accident actually happened, except for who the driver was. I feel just awful about this, I'm really scared and I need some advice...

Your friend is obviously an IDIOT and you are in big trouble - this is called FRAUD ! Didnt the officer take a report that stated who the driver was or did you not even report it to the police? You are in need of a good lawyer I would say - the insurance company might forego an investigation if you just fess up but I wouldnt bet on it. The most that can happen if you make the first step in telling the truth is that your premiumes might go up anyway - but your friend was dumb too if she allowed you to use her name as a driver at fault.
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