Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant What will happen?

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Last week I was fired from my job for making illegal returns to my account. I was not arreted at the time but I was told that there wil be a warrant for my arrest some time this week. I have to turn myself in or they will come to my house and arrest me. Considering that this is my first offence ever with the law how will they handle this case. I cooperated with my job in admitting to what i did. Determining the outcome of this case will this be on my record and if so will I face any time in jail besides when I turn myself in. How will this effect my search for a job. $957 is the total amount that was taken from them is this considered a felony or a misdemeanor. Please help.
It depends on some more details and where this all happened.

In some states theft of $ 1000 or more is the threshold to a felony, in others it is $ 500. This is a pretty important question, because a felony conviction of course is much worse.

Therefore, if you know that you might be charged and arrested you should already now look for an attorney. He or she then can find out if there are ways to mitigate the consequences.
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