Justice System, Police, Courts What would charge be for falsifying court documents

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2 drug charges within a year - self probabtion - substance abuse evaluation for each charge. The judge missed that the drug evaluation was not dated by the evaluator. So this idiot used the same evaluation for the 2nd charge! IA courts online show that the judge has issued an order for mittimus to county jail. Notes say re: substance abuse evaluation. Any idea what the charges will be? Is this a serious charge?
Do you know what a mittimus is?
It is a a writ of commitment issued to the sheriff of a county or corrections commissioner of the state prison system.
I'd say that it was serious.
It means someone is going to jail.
Has your probation been revoked?
These writs don't happen without a court proceeding.
Did the "person" miss court?
Has the "person" screwed up on probation?
I read about the mittimus on IA courts on line - says re: SAE. Both arrests resulted in self probabtion. Her 1st arrest's substance abuse evaluation was not dated and evidentely the courts did not notice this. Her 2nd arrest she was ordered for another substance abuse evaluation and she did not go - she took in a copy of the 1st one that was not dated!! Well the courts must have caught on to it. Falsifying a court document sounds rather serious to me - hoping she spends a little time away..........hell hath no fury like a scorned woman :)
I read about the mittimus on IA courts on line - says re: SAE. Both arrests resulted in self probabtion. Her 1st arrest's substance abuse evaluation was not dated and evidentely the courts did not notice this. Her 2nd arrest she was ordered for another substance abuse evaluation and she did not go - she took in a copy of the 1st one that was not dated!! Well the courts must have caught on to it. Falsifying a court document sounds rather serious to me - hoping she spends a little time away..........hell hath no fury like a scorned woman :)

She is going to be very unhappy.

She's going to the big house.
2 drug charges within a year - self probabtion - substance abuse evaluation for each charge. The judge missed that the drug evaluation was not dated by the evaluator. So this idiot used the same evaluation for the 2nd charge! IA courts online show that the judge has issued an order for mittimus to county jail. Notes say re: substance abuse evaluation. Any idea what the charges will be? Is this a serious charge?

I think it's a serious charge. He should consult an attorney who is experienced in this field.
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