What would suit me in the short term?


Just recently I thought of (to the eye of the beholder) a brilliant idea. And without giving too many details away for obvious reasons I will try to describe what this is at the core, and from there hopefully someone can help me with what the best action to take is for the short term.

This idea is a mobile device app that would compete with some other apps/orgs. out there currently. I have been doing some research but a lot of this stuff confuses me. As someone with a little background in programming (small scale), I am mainly used to just slapping my copyright on the top of my scripts and call it a day but this is going to be a much larger scale.

Basically, what I am looking for is some sort of protection for the short term while I look for VCs (Venture Capitalists) or just investors in general. So would a "Copyright" protect me or would I need to go the more expensive route and look into a utility patent or a provisional patent to get me going.
The simplest advice is to just register it with the Copyright or Patent office, whichever is appropriate.

It's beyond me why people even ask whether they should do that or not.
The simplest advice is to just register it with the Copyright or Patent office, whichever is appropriate.

It's beyond me why people even ask whether they should do that or not.

If its a GREAT idea, it deserves to nurtured, protected, and sheltered from those that steal GREAT ideas, and even useless ideas.

If its a great idea, I suggest you consult an intellectual property attorney.

Venture capitalists are among the most unscrupulous scoundrels on the planet.
I say that as an attorney, and the adage that it takes one to know one.

Showing an idea to any VC speculator without certain protections and safeguards is beyond nuts.
Yeah that is one of the problems. In case no one noticed, I am broke haha. I know I can probably get somewhat decent advice through a benefit at work that gives us "free consultations" and a "discount" if we retain the lawyer. I am just weary of what advice I can get for free haha. If money wasn't the big issue I doubt I would even be asking or even looking for an investor or VC.

Currently the only thing I can do when conversing with potential prospects is a NDA but I heard a lot of them hate those because of how "unscrupulous" they really are.

If you can or will answer, how far do you think a Copyright could get me in the event someone tries to take my idea and run? Because I have heard (maybe wrong) that an idea can not be patented because it is an idea. Or would a Copyright even apply here as well because because they wouldn't actually be taking my source?
If you can or will answer, how far do you think a Copyright could get me in the event someone tries to take my idea and run?

A copyright or an NDA often keeps some potential crooks to behave themselves and respect your confidentiality.

But, hey, you said it best; you're a little short for funds at the moment.

Sometimes you gotta try, and see what happens.

What you do have is your wariness, caution, and horse sense (given to all of us at birth, by the way).

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, or lost, but without the funds to develop, test, produce, market, sell, advertise, transport, and service your idea will remain forever buried in your cranium.

I'd say give it a shot, you're no dummy and I doubt you'll be beguiled by some wanna be slickster.

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