What would this be? Slander, Defamation, etc.?

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I didn't really see a more appropriate place to put this, so I chose here. Please let me know if there is another forum I should be using. I used to be a customer of a certain corporately owned retail outlet for many years, until I began dating one of their employees. Basically from the beginning of our relationship, the entire staff, including the General Manager, Assistant Managers and all associates began taking an extreme personal interest in his personal life and relationships (i.e. myself) and began treating me horribly in the store, even when I was alone. From what I understand about this company, they have strict standard operating procedures that state there should be no friendships or personal relationships (romantic or non) made between the managerial staff and the associates, and if it is to happen then whichever people involved would be terminated.

Up until this point, I have had no way to substantiate my beliefs that they were in fact, slandering and/or defaming me to other customers as well as other members of staff. However, I have recently come into possession of a "contract" that is very illegal. Apparently, the entire staff of this company took personal and business time to have customers, friends and other members of the business community sign this "contract" which stated that if my boyfriend were to continue seeing me past a certain date, that they would all "kick him in the testicles". I don't see how these people aren't being fired for gross misconduct in the workplace, considering the legal stipulations in their own handbook condemning this behavior. Do I have any legal case? I'm not looking for monetary compensation, I want these people terminated for the ostracism and discrimination I have experienced. I can no longer shop in that store, let alone that entire mall because of the damaging words that have been said outside of this contract, and clearly because of this contract as well.

On a side note, I have the original document with pen ink signatures, about 30 people from various company stores within the mall and surrounding areas.
You have no case.
I didn't exactly think it was a strong case either, which is why I went to a forum rather than pay a lawyer outright for something moot. I was just curious as to whether or not it would be even worth it to pursue such a case. I am just looking for opinions, and although yours is very blunt, it would have helped me more to have an explanation as to why. I don't profess to be knowledgeable in law, I just felt as though my rights as a customer were violated, but thanks for your opinion.
You could and should at the least get them fired. If you have such proof as you say then that should not be hard to do.
I do, but I don't know how I could utilize the document to accomplish that. It is very immature of an entire staff to do, but does it go beyond immaturity? Is there anything I could do to stop this? I should add that this isn't just a one month relationship/problem, this behavior has been going on continuously for six years.
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Go to management of the company and if that does no good contact the companies main office. MOST companies would fire all involved. If they do not you could always seek advice from an attorney in your area and see if anyone would take the case. Usually the first consultaion is free and wouldnt cost you a dime. Good luck and I agree this whole matter sounds like a bunch of kids behind the situation.
Your biggest problem is proving the authenticity of the document you possess. Then you'd have to prove the specific intent of the alleged signatories. Finally, you'd have to prove that the signatures are authentic. Without one, or more, of the alleged miscreants confessing to the authenticity of the document; you have no cause of action.

Even if you could prove all of the above, you're NOT the victim. The male appears to be the target of the threat. The uttering of information, relative to your character fails to rise to the level of defamation or libel. Hence, no cause of action for a legal suit.

Now, that's what I would have told you for my minimum retainer of $2,500. I gave you the above legal opinion gratis.

Not to worry, friend, I'll be writing that off on my 2011 taxes. See, this is a true, win-win!!!!
your biggest problem is proving the authenticity of the document you possess. Then you'd have to prove the specific intent of the alleged signatories. Finally, you'd have to prove that the signatures are authentic. Without one, or more, of the alleged miscreants confessing to the authenticity of the document; you have no cause of action.

Even if you could prove all of the above, you're not the victim. The male appears to be the target of the threat. The uttering of information, relative to your character fails to rise to the level of defamation or libel. Hence, no cause of action for a legal suit.

Now, that's what i would have told you for my minimum retainer of $2,500. I gave you the above legal opinion gratis.

Not to worry, friend, i'll be writing that off on my 2011 taxes. See, this is a true, win-win!!!!

I still appreciate the legal advice, despite your retainer. However, as I stated previously, I never claimed to have legal knowledge of any kind, I was just looking for some kind of insight. Regardless, I don't see the necessity in being condescending.
I still appreciate the legal advice, despite your retainer. However, as I stated previously, I never claimed to have legal knowledge of any kind, I was just looking for some kind of insight. Regardless, I don't see the necessity in being condescending.

I responded in response to your unnecessary chastisement demanding a legal opinion. You got one. I'll get a nice tax deduction. I'm glad mother made me go to law school. That durn JD is better than a Glock any day.
I didn't demand a single thing, I merely asked for a little elaboration, there was no forcefulness involved and you didn't need to respond if you felt that strongly. I don't see how going to a forum under the tab "Ask Lawyers" would be beneficial if all anyone were to offer as a response were blunt, indefinite answers and to be honest I've seen that you've given plenty more detail on here to those who didn't even ask you for it. You're just being unnecessarily demeaning and flippant for whatever the reason may be. Why don't you spend your time doing something more productive with your degree rather than sitting on a website forum belittling myself as well as my question when I am just looking for help. I've met with plenty of lawyers in my past and none have acted as unprofessional as you when it comes to speaking to a person, even someone who isn't a client.
I didn't demand a single thing, I merely asked for a little elaboration, there was no forcefulness involved and you didn't need to respond if you felt that strongly. I don't see how going to a forum under the tab "Ask Lawyers" would be beneficial if all anyone were to offer as a response were blunt, indefinite answers and to be honest I've seen that you've given plenty more detail on here to those who didn't even ask you for it. You're just being unnecessarily demeaning and flippant for whatever the reason may be. Why don't you spend your time doing something more productive with your degree rather than sitting on a website forum belittling myself as well as my question when I am just looking for help. I've met with plenty of lawyers in my past and none have acted as unprofessional as you when it comes to speaking to a person, even someone who isn't a client.

Ahhh, I see you've checked my postings!
Pretty impressive, huh, buddy?
Unprofessional, professional, doesn't matter; I still get that $2,500 tax deduction.
The law, been very, very good to me.

I enjoy being flippant while belittling, berating, and badgering others.
I'm pleased that I was able to snare another victim.
I, do thank you buddy, for getting me that SWEET $2,500 tax deduction.
Thanks pal!!!!!!

Anymore legal questions?
Ask me two more, please!!!
I need another $5,000 off 2011 taxes!!!
Help me out, friend.
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