Other Criminal Procedure Whats going to happen?

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Okay, quick question.

I was caught shoplifting yesterday. I'm very remorseful, disappointed in myself, and willing to do whatever it takes to put it behind me without affecting me. The total merchandise was about $20. I was caught at (DELETED). When I was asked to go in the back room, I just blanked. I was very cooperative, answered all questions truthfully, and even made small talk. It was two pairs of earrings. I was issued a Civil Demand, and a notice appearance to come back to the police station in like two weeks to go get fingerprinted. Does this mean I am arrested?? Now that my fingerprints will be in the police department station, will this come up on background checks?? Please help, I am 19 years old and want to know solely about my record. I will pay any fine I am given, I just don't want this on my record. Someone I know who's been through this before said this will more than likely get thrown out since its my first time, but will the fact that a case against me was thrown out appear on my record?? I wasn't told to go to court, I was told to go to the police station--does this make a difference?

Thank You for any answers you can give me.
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The time to worry about something going on your record is now past. It is no longer within your control. The time to do that worrying was before you stole, not after.
I am a Retail theft professional and if you want this off your record so no one knows your first action needs to be to remove store name from your post! Second talk to your Lawyer about plea options like ACD or diversion.
Could you please delete my post. I was advised not to go to my appearance notice(it's to the police station, not court)
I deleted the name of the store but only the name of the store.
Could you please delete my post. I was advised not to go to my appearance notice(it's to the police station, not court)

You should speak with three or four good, local criminal defense lawyers BEFORE deciding to do ANYTHING.
Follow the advice of YOUR attorney.
There are no FREE ear rings, there is NO FREE legal advice.

Only YOUR lawyer should advise you. It's good to gather information, so stop gathering it, speak to some lawyers, HIRE one, do as YOUR lawyer instructs.

Don't listen to your family, friends, etc... UNLESS one of them is a licensed, Michigan LAWYER.
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