what's in a nickname?

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New Member
I recently took a job transfer to another hospital with the same company. My ex-boss called me today saying she is investigating if I really have a job with this company because my license says another name than the one I am getting paid. The one on my license is my legal name off of my birth certificate and I do not use that one for my taxes or anything else. I was concerned about using the name because I NEVER use it, but I was assured that the name I use is a normal nickname and there should be no problems. But now this boss is saying that it is possible I was NEVER hired since I have a different name on my license (even though it has my unusual middle name and last name)than what my name was at work. No one has said anything about it to me and they have copies of my License, social security card, and BLS. I was hired by this company in 1989!!!!! I use my nickname for all of my records, including my medical records, taxes, paychecks, etc. How can she come along and say that my name isn't MY NAME??? I am 57 years old. This has got me freaked out. Do you think she is trying to get back at me or is my name not really my name???? even though I have used it all this time??? Thanks for any feedback...I cannot sleep because of this.
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