What's my next step?

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I have a question for you...I am a public school (MS) band director and there is a Band booster organization that is supposed to support both our middle school and high school programs. We have a very strange person elected to serve as our Treasurer and she has demonstrated some very unusual bookkeeping practices so far. There's WAY too much to discuss on that topic but my question is about a fundraising activity we did last year.
In our April boosters meeting, I was told by the body to contract the group to do a discount card fundraising project. I was asked to do all of the planning paperwork to get it started and the boosters determined how they wanted to divide profits between schools, etc. The project went well but we had some unsold cards leftover by the Christmas break. We also continued receiving invoices for the unpaid bill for the cards. I found out (when our fundraising company rep called me) that the Treasurer had called the company claiming I had never been authorized to contract with them and therefore should be responsible for the $3000 bill!
Thank goodness the company rep KNEW that sounded wrong and called to inform me. I followed up by calling both the Treasurer and the newly elected President and BOTH admitted that they dreamed up this excuse to get the boosters off the hook for the bill and "never dreamed the company would ever call" me!!
I've asked the Treasurer for a letter of clarification to both me and the company (the company knows I did as I'd been directed and been authorized to do) in case anyone ever tries to bring this up against me later in my career. I gave her a deadline that is nearing quickly. She will not respond to my request -just as she always clams up when there is a hard question asked of her. What can I do to get a written statement from the Boosters clearing me of the alleged wrongdoing?
I doubt that there is a way to force them to make this kind of declaration, but you should bring this up with the board of this organization right away and demand some action, and if that does not help look in the bylaws how you can force a general or special meeting of the whole organization and bring the case before them.

If that doesn't work or if nobody will do something you should definitely leave that organization before they will get you into trouble again.

If this organization in any way is affiliated or connected with a public school district bring this case to the attention of the administration.

Don't let them ruin your credit or reputation or anything by these kind of shady actions.
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