Whats the Problem

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New Member
I work as an CNA at nursing home I started in August of this year and i have a problem with the way it is ranned because if one of the nurses get out of line and talk to me crazy or say something smart to me and I go and tell the DON She dosen't do anything about it and I feel as I can't defend my self and it isn't just me it other CNA's and CMA's as well. And there's no defending ourselfs when the nurses get out of line what can we do.
I work as an CNA at nursing home I started in August of this year and i have a problem with the way it is ranned because if one of the nurses get out of line and talk to me crazy or say something smart to me and I go and tell the DON She dosen't do anything about it and I feel as I can't defend my self and it isn't just me it other CNA's and CMA's as well. And there's no defending ourselfs when the nurses get out of line what can we do.

You don't have a legal problem, you have a human resources or employment problem.

You could discuss your concerns (as a group, or individually) with your human resources manager or your DON.

Otherwise, it may be time to seek new employment.
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