Whats wrong with my boss?


New Member
Im 23 yrs old. Ive been working at the same store for 3 years. One day i told my boss about why i needed a leave of absence. He went on about his personal life straight into detail of why he was getting a divorce, it was way too much info for me. After that ive noticed special attention he would give me. Sometimes he would schedule a task to work with me. My schedule is the same days hes in, i can never have the weekend off. He stares at me sometimes and then looks away when i look at him. But when i talk to him he doesnt give me any eye contact.

Is this strange? He would even ask me where do i want to work for the night, like what task. He never does that to anyone else but me. A boss should be more direct, not so giving like the way he is towards me.
Time to seek new employment.
In your opinion - why do you believe he is treating you "strange?"
I don't know.

How about you tell us why you requested a leave of absence, whether it was granted, how long it was?

Maybe there is something in there that might give us a clue as to why his treatment of you is "strange."

The leave of absence was for me trying to leave my abusive relationship. At that time i needed some space and time to move out. I told my boss too. The leave was for 1 month. Ever since i got back to work hes been giving me more attention than the other associates i work with.
I am asking this for a reason. Specifically what do you think is wrong?
I do really good at my job. I finish my task before anyone else at my store and i keep everything clean. The unwanted compliments about my hands being small are kind of different to me. This store i work at starting 3 years ago was my first job ever.
Did you tell him when he was confiding the details of his divorce that it was making you uncomfortable and to stop? It isn't clear what exactly he is doing that is "wrong". Sounds like you have become the boss' pet based on having shared personal information with one another. It is not illegal for him to let you pick your favorite tasks. There is no one way a boss "should" be. sure, picking favorites isn't a great way to mange but it is not illegal and you can't force him to stop. If he is doing things that make you uncomfortable, or saying things you don't like you have to tell him. Only if it persists or gets worse should you go to another manager.

You are also free to seek other employment if you would just rather never work with this guy again.

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