Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant When are supeonas issued to Phone Co.s

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Can anyone tell me when a supeona is actually issued to the phone co?
I have called my ex-girlfriend a number of times and I just learned she has "call trace"
does anyone know how that works and if they would supeona my phone records?
I never made any threats of any kind, i just wanted to hear her voice and i hung up.
what could they do to me? is that worth the court getting involved? I know I'm obsessed and pretty messed up, I feel so bad about hurting her before
Let me tell you something buddy. We've all been there. I have done the same thing that you are doing. The problem I had that I'm hoping that you have is that I put the girls on a pedestal and thought they were so perfect and great. As time goes on, you'll see that we all have faults and that we guys are much more in demand as we age than females are. I thought my ex-girlfriend was GOD's gift and could do no wrong. I found out that she was sleeping with all of my friends but I still didn't want to believe it because "she was so perfect". Nowadays, she works at a dead end job, can barely pay her bills and age is catching up with her. Best of all, she knows that it's come full circle. Don't sweat this girl so much. she'll be begging you back in 6 months if you just leave her alone.
As far as the phone. The most that the police can get you for on that is Telephone harrassment if you did, in fact, call the police. The law here in New Orleans is that if you call 4 or more times in a small time period, it is constituted as phone harrassment. Additionally, if they do charge you with this, she has the authority to have it dropped because it is only a misdemeanor. I take it that you're pretty young. Wait until you see this chick in 4 years and nobody wants her anymore because she's stretched out and used up. Upgrade to a younger girl every 5 years I always say.
old hags

cmlzip.: you're awesome dude! seriously. I'm 46. I know women age as we all do. I myself have had lipo on my stomach and thigh and my ass, so I know what it's like to get fat and feel like shite. She's not what you think at all, totally hot! and it will take more than a few years for time to catch up with this one.
I was just concerned that the phone records would show up with my number if ever supeoned.
I'd hate to get into a tiff with the law after what I've already done to this girl.
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