Where do you draw the line?

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New Member
I erroneously posted this in the General area before because I did not see this area. I believe it fits in here.

I work as a Contractor and one of my customers is the US Department of Defense. Recently I was on site with the Government Employee when he began yelling at me and calling me a M* F*, and threatened to "F** me up." I only replied about his unprofessionalism and went back to the task at hand. I did not really do any thing more because I was a representative of my company and didn't want to escalate the situation and jeaopardize the contract.
This person is a senior (enough) Government Employee (GS-13) and I feel that this cconduct was illegal. My initial thought is assault (verbal). I feel like I was attacked and it upset me alot.

Am I out of my mind? If I have a legal leg to stand on, where do I turn? Is there an office in the DOD that handles that type of abuse?
No, this is not illegal and does not give you cause for legal recourse. I agree that it is incredibly unprofessional, but neither vulgar language nor being a jerk is against the law.

You MAY have some internal remedy if this behavior is prohibited by your employer, but a lawsuit? Nope.
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