Where is my post?

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New Member

A couple of days ago I posted my first question entitled " Blackballed Medical Records". To date I have not seen it posted. Can you please tell me if it was unsatisfactory to post or if there is another problem? Please let me know. Thank You very much

A couple of days ago I posted my first question entitled " Blackballed Medical Records". To date I have not seen it posted. Can you please tell me if it was unsatisfactory to post or if there is another problem? Please let me know. Thank You very much

If the post never appeared, then I would guess that there may have been a glitch. Please try again.

However, if your post had any links or advertisements in it, then either it didn't post due to the link, or it was deleted due to the ad.
When he posted the above post, his post count showed only one post. So, who knows what happened?

Anyway, he reposted his question in a new thread and has had several replies.:)

ETA: Hmm.... I just looked at his posting history again, and the missing post is now there! It wasn't there when he made this thread, so maybe it was caught up somewhere?
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