Premises Liability Whether or not to change lawyers

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I was involved in a rollover accidednt in april of 06. Speeding car hit me and rooled me over, I suffered head laceration C5-C6 disk protrsion and it band strain. After 12 months I am still suffering from whiplash pain and spasms in the shoulders and upper neck also in the c5 C6 area. Ive had 2 Doctors tell me that the pain will be chronic. Nice ehy.
For some reason my attorney is draging his feet on this. he wants me to see more doctors on this why? I would like to see a acupuntureist or some type of pain specialist all not covered by insurance. I feel we get this lawsuit started so we can get some money to pursue this line of treatment. Should I change lawyers, Im very concerned.
Oh and by the way at the begining my car was towed obviously, from the accident site after about 2 months my lawyer called and asked were was the car . The tow truck company lost the car?
The other partys insurance company didnt know were it was beacuse my lawyer never told them. I told my lawyer at the begining were the car was and I was instructed not talk with the other insuance company. Am I screwed? Help>
If you don't like your lawyer, then change lawyers.

You will have to realize that this lawyer has probably already filed a lawyer's lien on any proceeds you may get.

Anyway, it sounds to me like you can't prove permanent damages; that's what makes the lawyer slow.
Question: Isn't the other insurance paying for your medial bills? Why wouldn't they pay for a pain management specialist? They may be able to do injections in your cervical spine to lessen pain and inflamation. What doctors have you seen and who does the lawyer want you to see now? Have you seen an orthopedist or neurologist? They do injections too. A disc protrusion should be able to be seen on an MRI and would document the injury. It won't go away, probably only degenerate as you age. Look and see if the contract mentions what seniorjudge said... It may not be worth getting anotherlawyer If you end up with nothing due to lawyer's liens.
I'm also unhappy with my lawyer. Your injuries sound as bad as mine. I'm surprised at calalily's response; my understanding is that we can change lawyers if we don't think the one we currently have is doing a good job. What a racket. I'd really like to know the answer to this question too, because if I can get a better lawyer, I will. My medical bills alone are already over $100,000, and any lawyer who takes my case stands to make a lot of money. Yet my attorney can't even seem to remember my name.

I'm also surprised that Calalily asks about "other insurance paying your medical bills". I was injured 2 1/2 years ago, have had 3 surgeries including a shoulder replacement, have daily pain, and have NOT GOTTEN A PENNY. If I didn't have medical insurance I don't know what I would have done. I've been told that I won't get a penny till the case is arbitrated and a settlement has been arranged. Not one penny will I see till then.

My situation is that I was renting a house and slipped and fell down outside stairs. The homeowner's insurance company is who we're fighting. Perhaps that's the reason for the lack of any medical reimbursements, I don't know.
Question: Isn't the other insurance paying for your medial bills? Why wouldn't they pay for a pain management specialist? They may be able to do injections in your cervical spine to lessen pain and inflamation. What doctors have you seen and who does the lawyer want you to see now? Have you seen an orthopedist or neurologist? They do injections too. A disc protrusion should be able to be seen on an MRI and would document the injury. It won't go away, probably only degenerate as you age. Look and see if the contract mentions what seniorjudge said... It may not be worth getting anotherlawyer If you end up with nothing due to lawyer's liens.[/QUOTE]
I didn't say you couldn't change lawyers as you will see above. I said it may not be worth it due to monetary considerations.
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