Other Criminal Procedure who is at fault

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I have a friend that has been incarcerated for 2 years on manufacturing and receiving stolen property charges. He has been in a halfway house for about 17 months of that time, was on work release, and has never gotten in any trouble since being arrested. He was being treated for depression and anxiety, and has been for about 20 years. In the last couple of months his medication has not been working, which has happened several times during the last 20 years. When this happened before, the doctor would adjust or change his meds and things were fine. He reported this problem several times to the people in charge where he was confined, but nothing was done to get him to a doctor to fix the problem. His depression and anxiety got so bad he felt as if the walls were closing in on him, he couldn't sleep, and even went to the hospital because he thought he was having a stroke. It became so severe that he felt that if he didn't get out of there he would kill himself, and he walked out one day and didn't go back. He did not want to get into more trouble, but he was scared to stay because he felt as if he was going crazy. The responsibility of the mental, physical, and emotional health of a prisoner lies with the persons in charge; he reported several times how he felt and tried to get them to take him to a doctor to get his meds regulated. He wants to turn himself in, and knows he would face additional time if he does. My question is this: since the only reason he ran was because his depression and anxiety had gotten so severe and he felt the way he did, afraid that he was losing his mind and would kill himself, and that if those in charge of him had gotten him the medical treatment to fix his medications he would not have walked out, is it possible that he could turn himself in and receive little or no additional time on the grounds of medical issues?
There is no way to tell. He would have opportunity to present that argument to a judge, but it does not sound like a very strong or convincing argument in my opinion.
There is no way for us to know if he will receive little or no additional time but he does need to turn himself in no matter what the consequences. I have to concur that the argument is not very strong.
The longer he remains in his self imposed predicament, the bigger his problem becomes.
He went to hospital, and he needed to make that argument then and there.
He's officially absconded and needs to hire a lawyer and seek his surrender to authorities.
His lawyer can advise him as to his legal options.
He also should be seeking mescal care now, if not, his argument fails.
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