Who is calling the shoots?


Baby Soros, they donate the largest sums of money to the dems. They are EVIL per and simple. Should not have ever been allowed citizenship here. They are bad news, period.

Tim Walz is such a sell out creepy liberal, if he wasn;t a democrat they would be blasting him as a racist whitey.

If you don't know the difference between campaign donations and buying influence, I can't help you. Soros, Jr. and senior, buy influence. George Soros has been trying to tear down this Republic for decades. His son has picked up the torch.

It has been said that the pics on Jr.'s X account are those people he owns. He has a bigger ego than his father.
If you don't know the difference between campaign donations and buying influence, I can't help you.

I think you know better than that. Large donors to both parties and their candidates are not giving the money out of the goodness of their heart. They are hoping their contributions will give them influence to help get government policies that favor them. For those big donors there is no difference between making a campaign contribution and buying influence. The two are linked: they make the contributions because they want influence.

If you don't think that Republicans play that game just as much as Democrats do then you are blind to the real world of campaign contributions. Both parties get large contributions from big corporations and wealthy individuals. Neither party is so naive as to think that their backers aren't expecting something favorable in return. I lived in DC for nearly 20 years and while there worked at the IRS headquarters, which is an easy walk to the White House. I was there for both the Bush and Obama administrations and for sessions of Congress where each party had time in the majority. When it came to politicans seeking money, presidents, senators, and representatives all hustled for those campaign contributions. On the whole I didn't see any discernable difference in the parties and their candidates when it came to raising money.