Who is responsible?

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New Member
My friend was watching her grandsons in her apartment when her son tossed her grandson in the air. Her grandsons head hit the fire sprinkler head and broke it. The apartment was soaked before they could turn it off and now the apartment office is saying she is responsible to the damage the apartment suffered due to the water. She filed a claim to her renter's insurance and they told her they are only responsible for her personal damage and that the owners of the apartment building's insurance should cover their damages. Who is right? They want her to pay $4800 in damages to the apartment.
She is responsible.
The damage was done by her guest.
She should communicate to her insurer that she is seeking redress under the liability portion of her policy.

Of course her belongings are covered under the indemnification of her personal property riders.
But, the damage to the property of others is covered under the personal liability portion of her insurance coverage.

If her son has homeowners or renters insurance, his insurer should be on the hook for this.
The damage was caused by his negligence.
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