Who sues deadbeat?

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New York custodial parent and non-custodial parent agree to send 18 yr old daughter to live with non-custodial grandparents in Illinois while she attends college. Custodial parent agrees to pay $368 per month to grandparents. Nothing has been sent and it's been 9 months. Who takes the custodial parent to court...the 18 yr old daughter, the grandparents or the non-custodial parent? nothing is in writing
...do the poor grandparents understand that without a court-order for child support, the parents have never been obliged to pay?

The grandparents can file against either or both parents, for a support order. Given that it's NY, they might be able to get support ordered until kiddo is 21.

The 18 year old has no dog in this fight.
OP, if the age of majority wasn't set in the original custody order (for support purposes), it is highly unlikely that it will be raised at this late date to 21. You're grandchild is legally an adult. I'd plan on not receiving another peso from the parental units!

Now, you could see a different outcome if you go to court, but absent a court order, the parental units' failure to send you one peso should let you know that they won't pay until a judge orders them to do so.

Your grandchild has no dog in this potential battle.
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Yes, NY is a bit weird that way.

Then again...which State isn't a little odd in some way? :)
Grandparents can attempt to sue the custodial parents based on their verbal agreement. However, proving such an agreement existed and actually rises to the level of a contract may be problematic.
As a further reply to the posts that I *didn't* see - this is not really a matter of "child support" IMO. This is a contractual matter.
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