I have many question regaurding custody, but my main qusestion is, the mother of my child and I are not together. We were never married, but are very close as two seperate people can get. We have been able to stay out of court and work on issues are selves.
I was there when she gave birth and signed the birth cert. I see my son every other day. And talk to him at least once a day. He is almost 4 now.
If something tragic was to happen to her,( God forbid) would I get full custody of my son, or would the state get him or even could her parents get him.

I was there when she gave birth and signed the birth cert. I see my son every other day. And talk to him at least once a day. He is almost 4 now.
If something tragic was to happen to her,( God forbid) would I get full custody of my son, or would the state get him or even could her parents get him.