Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant who's setting the rules about violations? thay change.

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My wife is on probation for some drug charges, doing great and staying clean following all rules, and violated for going to court in another county without probation having cartain documents on there desk ,, that attourney was supposedley faxing to them.. so she's in jail over what she was told was taken care of..what do I do? It is my understanding that to violate she had to knowingly and willingly do wrong...she did as instructed by her p.o. by calling the attourney and giving the fax no. for their office to him..
So, she did tell her probation officer that she was going to leave the state? Normally, the probation officer will need: where you're going, with whom you'll be staying and the address and the license plate number of any car you'll be in. Now did the probation officer give permission to leave the state and the country or just the state? Sounds to me that as long as the attorney can fax those documents and most importantly, the probation officer can attest to her getting permission to leave then she should be alright. However, for her probation to be revoked, that must mean that the probation officer advised the courts to revoke her so are you sure she provided him with all of the information (especially her leaving the country)?
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